Super high gain 23cm Yagi. 20.4dBi
Now holds the current VK National record on 1296 at 2458 km.
Wideband operation 1290 – 1310 MHz.
Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range: 1290 – 1310 MHz
Free Space Forward Gain: 20.4 dBi
Front to Back Ratio: 32 dB
3 dB Horizontal Beamwidth: 18°3 dB
Vertical Beamwidth: 18.4°
Polarization: Horizontal
Nominal Input Impedance :50 Ohms
SWR Across Entire Band: < 1.2
Maximum Power Input: 300 W
Matching Method: Voltage balun. UT141 or similar Teflon cable
Connector: “N”
Mechanical Specifications
Number of Elements: 36
Element Diameter: 4 mm Aluminum rod
Dipole Diameter: 3 mm Copper
Longest Element: 120 mm
Element Mounting Position: Above the Boom
Balun and Connector: Included
Boom Length: 2.92 m
Boom Size: 20 x 20 mm
Number of Boom Pieces: 2
Guy rope support: No
Mounting Mast Diameter: 32 – 50 mm 1″ – 1-1/2″
Survival Wind Speed: 120 km/h
Net Weight: 1.75 kg
Gross Weight: 3.65 kg
Transportation Length: 1.5 m
Plus Shipping or delivery costs (pickup available)